Entries by Admin


Are You Ready to Go with the Cape Town Winter Flow? Essential Tips for a Smooth Season + Loadshedding Updates from the City

As the chilly and wet winter season approaches, it’s time to prepare ourselves for the unique challenges and delights that it brings. From the brisk air to the rain-soaked streets, Cape Town winter demands our attention and readiness. Here, we explore practical tips to help you navigate the winter months with ease. From maintaining your […]

Roadworks in Somerset West CBD 

The City’s Urban Mobility Directorate wants to inform residents and road users that we are busy constructing new kerbs and sidewalks along certain roads in the Somerset West central business district (CBD). The work will continue until December 2022 and all are advised to find alternative routes where possible. Read more below: The work will […]

Update on our results for 2022!

In the last few months, we’ve been working hard on our most important goals all to make our community a safe, rich urban environment where our community can thrive.  Here is what we have achieved so far:  


Illegal Dumping: What It Is and How to Stop It

Did you know? That annually over 180 000 tons of waste are cleared from illegal dumping hot spots! That costs the city, and you as the taxpayer, a staggering R350 million a year just in clean-up. In other words, cleaning illegal dumping costs 20 times more than collecting waste from wheelie bins. That is why […]

Staying Egg-xtra safe on the roads this Easter

As we approach the Easter weekend many families are looking forward to much needed time spent bonding over easter egg hunts and delicious lunches. However, as we all travel to our destinations, the days leading up to Easter weekend see many more motorists driving further in the first rains of our wet season. As we […]

Helping The Homeless To Build A Sustainable Future

Mahatma Gandhi said that the true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members. Unfortunately, as South Africans, we are desensitised in part to the poverty that permeates our ordinary lives. Used to the sight of the radical impact our ever-expanding gap between the haves and have nots […]